The Grail




The Grail is a metaphorical or mystical symbol. It is a construct of the mind that can be viewed in dreams or while in a meditative state.

The Grail is NOT a physical object. A quest for The Holy Grail is a spiritual quest of inner work and meditation.

The Divine Masculine Energy of Grace creates The Grail. The Divine Energy of Grace has many names or symbols. The most common are:

The Light






Semen of God

This energy is universally known as white or iridescent and spins to the left.

Prior to the fourth century and the council of Nicea, the Power of Grace was universally considered masculine because it emanated from God the Father or Father Sky.

It is the spiritual Power of Grace that brings understanding and balances the emotional nature of the creative personality. Traditionally, only a maiden or Virgin can carry or touch this spiritual article because this energy is in harmony and harmonizes with her emotional personality type.

As Grace fills the Inner Sanctum, it creates what looks like a cup or bowl.

To see the complete progression of The Way of Grace, you are welcome to visit my website:

My book, "Jesus' Wedding: A Peek into the Inner World Shrouded behind the Mystical Veil," will detail this universal system that explains all myth and spiritual symbol. It is planned to debut in December 2012. You are welcome to view the excerpts, models, and and photographs that are currently available on my website.

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2 comments on “The Grail
  1. Gede Prama says:

    visit your blog, read an interesting article. thank you friends for sharing and greetings compassion 🙂

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